Temporary closure of Crosby Road, July 15-18 | News | myeasternshoremd.com

2022-07-15 23:28:11 By : Ms. Cecilia Zhu

ROCK HALL — The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration is scheduled to replace a deteriorated drain pipe system carrying a branch of Grays Inn Creek under state Route 288 (Crosby Road), near Rock Hall, with the work beginning Friday, July 15.

Crosby Road will be closed 7 p.m. Friday and will reopen 5 a.m. Monday, July 18.

Detour signs will be posted.

Motorists can use state Route 20 (Rock Hall Road) and Edesville Road to navigate around the work zone.

According to a news release, the scope of the work will include replacement of 36-inch metal pipes with two 29x45-inch horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipes; drainage area improvements; and roadway resurfacing at the construction site.

For more information, contact Bob Rager, SHA community liaison, at 443-463-3768 or rrager@mdot.maryland.gov.

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